Our mission is to protect children in custody cases
from being court-ordered into the home of an abusive parent.


Kyra’s Champions is a 501(c)4 charity advocating for policy and legislative changes that promote and protect children at risk of family violence.

We raise awareness about the dangers to children, inside and outside our divorce/family court system, and seek changes in the way family violence and child abuse are addressed in child custody cases.

Kyra’s Champions was founded by Jacqueline Franchetti in memory of her sweet, vibrant, loving 28-month old daughter Kyra, who, in July 2016 during a court-sanctioned unsupervised visit, was shot twice in the back while she slept by her father, who then set his house on fire and killed himself.

Kyra’s Champions focuses on legislative initiatives on the federal and state levels to ensure children and their safety are top priorities in our family court systems.