Blue Ribbon Commission on Forensic Evaluators
Jacqueline Franchetti, Kyra’s Mom, was appointed to Governor Andrew Cuomo’s “Blue Ribbon Commission.” The Commission explored the role of forensic evaluators in child custody cases. Jacqueline represented victims of New York’s Family Court system.
Forensic evaluators are mental health professionals who are tapped to evaluate the parents and children in divorce and custody cases. Currently, there are no standards and no requirements for “forensic evaluators” in New York State. In addition, there is zero transparency and no accountability in this space. Biased and unskilled evaluators remain overseeing custody cases, placing additional children in harm’s way. This has led to horrific outcomes, including Kyra’s murder.
Having a forensic evaluator involved in a child custody case is commonplace in New York State. With that in mind, changes desperately need to be made to help ensure children are protected when a parent is abusive.
Jacqueline was excited to work with the Blue Ribbon Commission, and her voice was heard in the Commission’s report which was released in 2022, to help usher in lasting change.
Sadly, to date, the only bills to be introduced are ones that Jacqueline spearheaded to reform family court. More attention is needed of this report to protect child and stop the rampant corrupt practices and collusion of NYS forensic evaluators in child custody cases.
You can read the findings of the Blue Ribbon Commission here - https://ocfs.ny.gov/programs/cwcs/assets/docs/Blue-Ribbon-Commission-Report-2022.pdf